Fuel Oil Transfer Pump and Day Tank Set
The Fuel Oil Transfer Pump and Day Tank packages include our UL approved series DT Day Tanks, supply and/or return pump(s), and a PLC-based control cabinet.
- Suitable for No. 2 or No. 4 Fuel Oil
- Flows from 23 to 1600 GPH
- Microprocessor-based control with message display and keypad
- Magnetic motor starters with overload protection
- Motor circuit breakers
- Control circuit transformer (if required)
- Overview
- Features
- Documents
The Fuel Oil Transfer Pump and Day Tank package offers a quick and economical fuel pumping solution and provides a local supply of distillate or diesel fuel for boilers, emergency generators or other stationary engine driven or oil fired equipment. The Fuel Oil Transfer Pump and Day Tank packages include our UL approved series DT Day Tanks, supply and/or return pump(s), and a PLC-based control cabinet.
- Microprocessor-based control with message display and keypad
- Magnetic motor starters with overload protection
- Motor circuit breakers
- Control circuit transformer (if required)
- Alarm bell with alarm silence / reset pushbutton
- “Hand-Off-Auto” switches
- “Power On” indicator
- Pump & motor assemblies
- Level control probe
- Vent cap
- Fill cap
- Day Tank Assembly
- Suitable for No. 2 or No. 4 Fuel Oil
- Flows from 23 to 1600 GPH
- Integrated Pump Set and Day Tank helps reduce installation cost and occupied floor space
- Return pump is applied when day tank is located below the storage tank and gravity overflow is not possible
- Supply pump is applied when day tank is located above the fuel oil storage tank and will generate less than 15" HG priming suction
- Supply and/or Return pump combinations
- Up to 2 simplex pumps or one duplex pump set
- Microprocessor-based
- Visual and audible alarms for day tank “High” or “Low” levels, day tank “Leak” and pump failure
- Safety shutdown for “High” level switch, day tank rupture basin leak detection
- Industrial type Cast Iron Internal Gear Pumps
Duplex Supply or Return Pump Features
- Automatic start on “Call for Operation”
- Lead pump manual selection or automatic alternation
- Automatic lag pump back-up based day tank level and lead pump thermal overload
Simplex Supply and/or Return Pumps Features
- Automatic start on “Call for Operation”