Pump Sets
Automatic Fuel Oil Transfer Pump Set
The Automatic Fuel Oil Transfer Pump Set is a state of the art system duplex pump sequencing and monitoring system.
Submersible Pump Set
Fully submersible pumps, Compact, direct drive units designed to work even when fully submerged in emergency situations. No. 2, No. 4, and diesel oils.
Semi-Automatic Fuel Oil Transfer Pump Set
Factory packaged, pre-engineered, pre-wired and pre-plumbed system that includes pumps, industrial motors, and accessories.
Thermopump Fuel Oil Transfer Pump and Heater Set
Provides the above ground oil storage tank and exposed suction and return lines with a re-circulating flow of warm oil.
Fuel Oil Transfer Pump and Day Tank Set
The Fuel Oil Transfer Pump and Day Tank packages include our UL approved series DT Day Tanks, supply and/or return pump(s), and a PLC-based control cabinet.