Case Study: Integrating a Successful Fuel Oil System at University Hospital Complex
The electrical consumption of a new wing would put the local electric utility into a low reserve situation on hot summer days...
Preferred in Newly-Dubbed NYC COVID-19 Field Hospital
This Preferred Utilities diesel pump skid for the Jacob Javits Center emergency generator was started up in the field for the “make-shift” hospital for #COVID-19 patients.
Start Up & Service of Hospital during COVID-19 Pandemic
Preferred successfully completed the start-up at a Kentucky hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic, providing reliable power during emergencies and power grid failure.
VA Hospitals Invest in Boiler System Upgrades for Savings
More than 1,200 Veterans Administration medical centers and outpatient sites across the country are undertaking system overhauls to meet their energy and efficiency needs.
This burner, that operates without a fiber metal mesh head or wasteful air filters, and reduces up to 60% electric consumption, is dual fuel, and can switch between gas and oil firing in less than 3 minutes.
Feedwater Centers
Designed to control the surge tank, Deaerator (DA) tank, transfer pumps, and feedwater pumps (on-off or VSD) to improve water quality and feedwater system reliability.
PCC-IV Digital Loop Controller
The PCC-IV is a complete control solution for individual boilers or multiple control loops. This upgraded version can do everything the PCC-III did, and more.
BurnerMate Programmable Logic Controller (BMPLC)
Ready to Ship | Parameter-Based Set Up | Integrates with Your Equipment
The Preferred Cloud Platform
Three levels of secure remote monitoring, with alerts and updates to your mobile phone or computer.
Submersible Pump Set
Fully submersible pumps, Compact, direct drive units designed to work even when fully submerged in emergency situations. No. 2, No. 4, and diesel oils.
Automatic Fuel Oil Filtration Sets
Self-contained, fully automatic systems maintain the quality and purity of stored diesel fuel.
Day Tank with Transfer Pump
Our UL approved day tanks include supply and/or return pump(s), and a PLC-based control cabinet.
Fuel System Controller
The FSC-120 is a general purpose programmable logic controller for many applications. Fault Tolerant, Distributed Control designed specifically for this demanding task.
Thermopump Fuel Oil Transfer Pump and Heater Set
Provides the above ground oil storage tank and exposed suction and return lines with a re-circulating flow of warm oil.
Automatic Fuel Oil Transfer Pump Set
The Automatic Fuel Oil Transfer Pump Set is a state of the art system duplex pump sequencing and monitoring system.
The Preferred Retrofit Burner for Cleaver-Brooks™ Boilers
Retrofit your boiler and get upgraded performance.
BurnerMate Universal Control System
Complete boiler control in an economical, off-the-shelf, pre-programmed controller.
FlexFit Linkageless Controller
The FlexFit solution is a less costly, less time-consuming retrofit from jackshaft (linkage) to modern parallel positioning (linkageless) controls in your boiler room.
Boiler and Equipment Monitoring
Secure ways to monitor your equipment without giving up convenience.
Advanced Performance Inject-Aire
A 30 ppm burner platform capable of firing dual fuels with sizes from 50HP - 350HP. The API achieves 10:1 turndown on natural gas and 8:1 turndown on oil with less than 3% oxygen.
Ranger Ultra-Low NOx Combustion System
The Ranger Ultra-Low NOx Combustion System is a sub-9 ppm burner platform capable of firing dual fuels. The Ranger achieves 10:1 turndown on natural gas and 8:1 turndown on oil with less than 3% oxygen.